Kemet Is Her Name
"What happens to children who grow up seeing everyone else portrayed as heroes, while they are given a steady diet of images portraying themselves as less desirable?" Anthony Browder
Exodus, Gods, and Kings is a biblical film directed by Ridley Scott. The film was written by Adam Cooper, Bill Collage, Jeffrey Caine, and Steven Zailian. The cast features Hollywood's establishment Christian Bale, Joel Edgerton, John Turturro, Aaron Paul, Ben Mendelsohn, Sigourney Weaver, and Ben Kingsley. This film is an interpretation of the exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt as led by Moses and related in the Book of Exodus. The film is facing well deserved criticism.
According the BBC ( British Broadcasting Corporation) Egypt has banned this film for historical inaccuracies. The head of the censorship board said there were two distinct inaccuracies. The first error was depicting the Jews as the people who built they pyramids. The second flaw was that an earthquake, not a miracle by Moses caused the Red Sea to part.
Why Does This Matter? As we all know Hollywood is the land of "make believe." For many years Europeans have made great efforts to conceal the truth about Egypt. They wanted to take credit for Ancient Egypt because it was an intellectual powerhouse. Removing the truth preserves false propaganda. Europeans blew off Black features of the Sphinx the key distinct features were the nose and lips, which would be easy to identify the Black phenotype. Kemet is Egypt's real name. Kemet is central to African existence. In fact Kemet means "Ancient Egypt," and "The Land of the Blacks." Kemet was the first large black civilization. Kemet had a rich spiritual inheritance comprised of priests, rabbi, thinkers, and teachers. The Pyramids were the greatest architecture achievement in the world. The citizens of Kemet studied numerology, anthropology, astrology.
Scholar Anthony Browder Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization: Exploding the Myths Vol 1. This book is very informative. I highly recommend more African Americans should have this in their collection. Anthony Browder argues that European academics have claimed for many years that Egypt was an European or Asian creation. Another argument made in the book by Anthony Browder is that African people have been programmed and conditioned to believe they did not make contributions to the world. "Europeans have claimed the non-African creation of Egypt in order to downgrade the position of African people in world history. They have laid the foundation of what they call Western civilization on a structure that the Western mind did not create it."
Ancient Kemet made many academic contributions and they taught the Greek and Roman societies. Philosophy is a branch of academics that the Western world has given credit to Greek and Roman civilizations. Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, studied under Imhotep. Pythagoras studied under Imhotep. The Pyramids were built on the natural solstice when the sun is at its greatest it shines directly on the Pyramid built with 2,000 ton blocks ( Summer Solstice). Greeks and Romans became envious of the Kemeites they destroyed this civilization on the quest for power and influence. They burned libraries full of books that features 25 volumes of the history of the Kemet civilization. Only two volumes survived the fire in Alexandria, Egypt. They renamed Kemet as "Egypt."
Toni's Thoughts: I could tell you more about Ancient Kemet although I encourage you to do your own research. Read books and journals take time to investigate.
Master Keys to Study Ancient Kemet Asa Hilliard
Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization: Exploding the Myths Part I Anthony T. Browder
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