Swirling Gone Wrong 2.0 Derek Luke Edition

Derek Luke is an attractive and talented actor. He is most known for his role as Antwone Fisher (2002) which was directed by Denzel Washington. He has also starred in films such as Madea Goes to Jail, Sparkle, and Baggage Claim. Recently he has starred on the Fox series Empire. Recently Derek Luke responded to backlash from Instagram comments regarding his interracial marriage. He has been married to his wife, actress Sophia Adella Luke.

He responded to the comments on July 12, 2015 by stating the following. " I never usually entertain the opinions of others because everyone is entitled to they're own opinion. ( Positive or Negative) But we're in the year of 2015 & when should it be a "problem" to date outside of your race? Why is that an issue AGAIN. I'm doing the unusual & going through my comments I see about my wife being another race is bugging me out. Who one chooses to date is that persons business. Instead of focusing on ( Happiness) & ( Pure Love) for some reason some folks are still focused on ( Color). Doesn't make any sense to me. But I guess that's the ignorance of others. My wife may not be Black but she is mine. And she's mine with a heart of gold. People are so quick to judge but can't even distinguish the difference of another's race. Sophia Luke is Hispanic. She's not white, she's not black, she's not Chinese, she is not Hispanic. And she's mine!!!"

Derek Luke & wife Sophia

Toni's Thoughts: I am not opposed to love and happiness. Everybody deserves to be happy and find their significant other. I appreciate the fact that Derek Luke loves and respects his wife. At the same time I do not believe it is fair or right to dismiss the comments made by his fans. Most of the people complaining were black women and once more they are criticized and ridiculed. I do not condemn all interracial relationships although I do not support all of them either. I disagree with Derek Luke's argument that race and color do no matter and should not matter.  We can never escape color. We see color in our clothes and nature. There has always been an effort to dismantle The Black Family Unit. Both black men and women have endured immense trauma during slavery and post slavery. Black women are taught to love and protect men that hate them.  Black women often internalize the pain of black men.  In the western world black women lack value. We are perceived to be ugly, aggressive, and just inherently unpleasant. Black women remain loyal to black men at all costs. I believe initially sometimes when we see a black man marrying or dating a woman that is not black our feelings are hurt. We expect the world outside of the black community to dislike us. But when our own men are not attracted to us it bothers us. Politics and popular culture display hatred towards black women. Unfortunately some black men display their hatred towards black women in many ways. It can be heard in music or seen on You tube videos. In the wake of excessive police brutality and suicide in young black children preserving The Black Family Unit is very important. Some black children hate themselves. They hate their hair, skin color, etc. and they grow up searching for a man or woman that is not black to eliminate those distinct features that make black people so beautiful.  As we deal with those issues I can understand why black women are reluctant to endorse all interracial relationships. I have a question. What ever happened to black love?

 Anytime black people feel the need to take pride in their race it becomes an issue. Have you ever noticed when some black men or women achieve wealth or celebrity status they do not date or marry another black person? I do not know Derek Luke personally I hope he remains happy in his marriage. I do not want dismiss his love and respect for his wife. Although I do not give a damn if it is 2015 or 2045 as long there is an attack on The Black Family Unit race and color will always matter.



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