The One & Only Carter G Woodson

" If a race has no history, if it has no worthwhile tradition, it becomes a negligible factor in the though of the world, and it stands in danger of being exterminated." Carter G Woodson

 Carter G Woodson was born on December 19, 1875 in New Canton, Virginia. He was the eldest of nine children. His parents were former slaves and his father worked as a sharecropper and miner. Carter G Woodson would attend high school in his late teens although he was an exceptional student. He managed to obtain a four year degree from Berea College in Kentucky in less than two years.

Following his graduation from Berea College Woodson worked for the United States government as an education superintendent in the Philippines. He earned both his bachelors and masters degrees at the University of Chicago. In 1912 he earned his P.H.D. the second African American to obtain a doctorate degree from Harvard University, the first was scholar and activist W.E.B. Du Bois. Carter G Woodson developed a strong interest and focus on the field of African American study. In 1915 he founded ASALH ( Association for the Study of African American Life & History) a scholarly organization dedicated to the preservation of African American history. The following year he began the quarterly publication in the Journal of Negro History. Ten years later ( 1926), he proposed and launched the month of February for the observance of "Negro History Week." Eventually Woodson decided the program should become "Negro History Month." He chose the month of February as a tribute to Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass because they were born during this month.

Carter G Woodson dedicated his life to academics and leadership roles in the realm of education. He served as principal for Washington, D.C.'s Armstrong Manual Training School following this position he became dean at the illustrious Howard University. Woodson also served for the West Virginia Collegiate Institute. He published many books such as African Myths and Folk Tales, Stolen Legacy: Also Includes the Education of the Negro and the Willie Lynch Letter, and most his famous book The Mis-Education of the Negro.

Carter G Woodson lobbied schools and organization to participate in special programs to encourage the recognition and study of African American history. To ensure success he created the Negro History Bulletin in 1937 and wrote literature for both elementary and secondary schools. On April 3, 1950 in Washington, D.C. in 1976 his legacy was enhanced with the establishment of Black History Month. ASALH ( Association for the Study of African American Life & History) continues to host scholarly research conferences and has branches around the country. Carter G Woodson was also a member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. the first black fraternity founded at an HBCU ( Historically Black College University), the organization was founded at Howard University.


Toni's Thoughts: Thank Carter G Woodson for dedicating your life to field of African American Study. I have been a proud member of ASALH for almost two years.



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